Codi Snow replaces a deck pulley on a 42" cut Craftsman LawnMower at Outdoor Distributors.
This procedure is the same for the AYP-153531 AYP-129207 AYP-532129207
AYP-532153531 AYP-53217343 AYP-153532 AYP-173435 AYP-153535 AYP-129861 AYP-532129861
AYP-532153535 AYP-917153535 AYP-153535CS AYP-532173436 HSQ-532 17 34-36
HSQ-532 17 78-65 HSQ-532 15 35-35 AYP-177865 AYP-532177865 AYP-153535MS AGR-173436
and other AYP built pulleys with a "star" shaped hole. These deck pulleys
are used on Sears Craftsman, Poulan, Weedeater, Wizard, and Husqvarna lawn mowers
and lawn tractors. all parts are available at |